Created by Brian
9th May 2020
This event has closed
Last year in April 2019 my Grandad was taken into hospital he was sick and continued to be sick until the hospital found he had a blockage in his stomach. So they put a stent in this seemed to work . Things seemed to go back to normal for a little while grandad appeared alot brighter and even started to go out on his bike again which this was something he loved to do as he was a very independent man . Unfortunately he started to become extremely poorly again and really went down Hill he spent some time in hospital this is where they found he has stomach Cancer . It was extremely aggressive form and they said there wasnt much they could do apart from make him comfortable . He spent a bit more time in hospital but then returned home. Having carers go in to support him . But it got to the point where he needed some respite and a little bit more support . So he went into the St Elizabeth Hospice . First couple of weeks of being in Grandad really picked up seemed really happy and cheerful and they were ready to send him home . But unfortunately he went down Hill and the Cancer really took over he sadly lost his battle to cancer on the 28th of August .